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The Summer SIX!


Updated: May 23, 2024

We've all heard of the Freshman Fifteen, right? Well, I'm calling the extra pounds people sometimes gain over those warmer weather months, the SUMMER SIX! Hahaha. Well, at least that's what I've gained this summer. Yup, that's right in the last couple of months I've gained about six pounds. Now, maybe some of you are GASPING! SIX POUNDS??

But I'm not, and I'm pretty proud of that! HUH? What? I don't feel like complete crap and hate myself for gaining 6lbs? I mean, as a fitness professional, I should clearly be ashamed of myself, right?? Well, the old me would have been but not anymore. But before we get to that, let's rewind a bit.

HOW and WHY did I gain 6 pounds over the summer months? To be honest, I just really enjoyed my summer! Plain and simple. Not that I don't normally enjoy my life because I do. However, I decided to really indulge this summer without thinking twice. I never thought twice about skipping the gym to hit the beach with my boys. I never thought twice about sharing munchkins with my kids on a long car ride or maybe even a short car ride. ☺ I never thought twice about having ice cream sundaes for dessert and maybe even dinner. 😁 We ordered take out, grilled burgers and ate chips! (gasp!) Ok, when I say "we" I mean my husband grilled burgers, not me. Definitely not me. I don't think I've ever laid my hands on the grill before. But anyway, the point most, I tend to socialize more in the summer. It's not an excuse, it's just what I did because I wanted to.

So, why am I ok with this? Well, here's a few reasons....

The Summer SIX!
  1. I made a decision to eat what I ate, drink more and workout less. Soooo...I'm really notsurprised. At. All! It was a conscious decision. Nobody made me chose a burger over a salad, I wanted to. I could have said "not this time" to a request for ice cream but I didn't want to. Being aware of your decisions and how they will affect your body is the first step in learning how to find the right balance. I'm always surprised when I hear people say, "I have no idea how I gained "x" pounds?" Um, really? If you stop and think a little harder, I'm sure you can find the answer. #justsayin

  2. The summer months are so short and I enjoyed every bit of it. I eat well and according to my training ALL the time, with random cheats and indulgences of course. But for the most part, I like to eat to fuel my body, so I wanted a break from that. The only thing I regret is not taking more pictures of these sweet summer memories. I wish I had more pics of ice cream dripping down our chins. What's better than sharing a messy, melting ice cream with your little humans? Nothing.

  3. I am more confident in my body now than I ever have been. Yeah, so I gained some weight, whatever. I am strong. I am fit. I am healthy and happy. I am committed to being fit for life so a few extra pounds DO NOT define me.

Number three is actually the part I am most proud of. If this was five or so years ago, I would be so pissed and mad. I'd be disappointed in myself for not having more control and allowing myself to fall so far "OFF!" Totally beating myself up. Well, not anymore. I refuse to do that. Part of living a healthy and fit lifestyle is being MENTALLY healthy and fit not just physically and it has taken me a long time to understand that. Being mentally fit has become more important to me since becoming a parent. I NEVER, EVER want my sons to hear me call myself FAT, or grunt and sigh after over indulging in a meal because I am instantaneously regretting my decision. I don't want the word "diet" to even be a part of their young vocabularies. I want them to know that healthy food and exercise is good for you, gives you energy and makes you strong. And that it's ok to enjoy sweet treats too sometimes. This is truly what it comes down to, finding that balance. It's not easy but it can be done. It takes time and is always a work in progress, a true journey that has its ups and downs but it's all about learning. So, I've gained some weight. No biggie. School is back in session, the weather will cool down and I've got 9 months to work on my summer 2017 body! 😉 Ha.

The Summer Six

Did you gain a few pounds this summer? Don't beat yourself up! Instead use it as a learning experience in finding the right balance between fitness, food, friends and family. Need help doing so? Or not sure how and where to start, get in touch! I'd be happy to help guide you in the right direction.

With much fitness love,

Nina M.

Visit, for more details on my online training programs.



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